In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
“If Allah assists you, then there is none that can overcome you” (Holy Quran)
To the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution
Your Excellency Ayatollah Khamenei (His Blessings Be Durable and Continuous)
Hello and Greetings
Ample praise and thanks to the Almighty God who helped the great Iranian nation to become successful and proud in a difficult and historic examination and staggered the enemies of the country and system.
Hello and greetings to the Great Prophet and his Holy Family (Ahl al Bayt) who have always had attention to our beloved people.
Hello and greetings to Imam al-Mahdi (AS) who has always assisted this nation during its hard times.
Greetings to the Late Imam Khomeini (RA) who taught us the way to dignity, pride, and confidence.
Hello to all respected martyrs, especially great martyred nuclear scientists who taught us resistance by their self-sacrifice.
I am now honoured to tell Your Excellency and the resistant people of Iran that following the completion of Iran and 5+1 measures in putting their commitments in JCPOA into action, today, 16 January 2016, the JCPOA officially entered its executive phase.
Therefore, from today on and as the result of 12 years of resistance by the Iranian people against all threats and sanctions and under His Excellency’s courageous and brilliant leadership, the following achievements have been gained in nuclear field:
1. Iranian people’s strategic demand for establishing their absolute right to peaceful nuclear activity has been fulfilled and our nuclear program with trade and industry dimensions has been recognised and respected by the whole world.
2. Enrichment, as the most delicate and significant part of our country’s nuclear program, is going to continue on a developed path and, by a planned program, Iran will be included in the international producers of nuclear fuel.
3. Arak heavy water research reactor will be turned into a modern and advanced reactor with high international standards, in the framework of an international cooperation.
4. With more than 200 tonnes of yellow cake imported, Iran’s strategic reserves of uranium increased dramatically, for the first time after the Islamic Revolution.
5. By selling enriched uranium and the produced heavy water, the Islamic Republic of Iran will be included in the list of a few countries that export the sensitive materials.
6. Gates of international cooperation with our country’s peaceful nuclear program has been opened. This cooperation will start on fields such as construction of nuclear power plants, research reactors, fuel production, advanced research and development, nuclear fusion, nuclear medicine, nuclear safety, desalination, and protecting the environment.
Simultaneously, the following achievements in political, legal, and economic fields have also been gained:
7. Six 7th-chapter resolutions of the UN Security Council against Iran have been lifted. Currently, the only valid resolution is 2231 which will be automatically lifted after 10 years.
8. Twelve resolutions and five decisions by the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have been lifted. Currently, all the past issues and ambiguities regarding the country’s nuclear program have been settled and the only valid resolution is the recent one (2015/70) that is merely to monitor JCPOA implementation.
9. The imposed economic and financial sanctions by United Nations Security Council, European Union and the United States of America in various fields such as financial transfer, banking activities, swift, investment, insurance services, export credit, oil, gas, petrochemical, transportation, shipping, ports, trade of gold and other metals, automobiles and airplanes have been removed, thus the basis have been provided for Iran to strongly appear in the global economy, in order to use the opportunities in export markets and to have access to international capital markets, as well.
10. Those assets which have been frozen in relation with the Iranian nuclear activities have been released to let Iran for investment and job creation in the country.
11. The most important of all is that all the efforts of the enemies of Islam and Iran which have been done for many years to draw a distorted and horrific image of the Islamic Revolution are subject to fail, therefore a humanitarian and peaceful image of Iran is once again exhibited to the world and made the international community to admire the moral, intellectual and dignified character of your courageous offspring.
Therefore, I congratulate the very big success to Your Excellency; appreciate the brave Iranians nation for their patience and tolerance and ask all-Mighty Allah a reward of the Mujahidin (those who fight for the sake of Allah) in hereafter for those who have done great efforts to achieve this national victory through excellent management, prudence and patience.
I believe the impressive victory is the result of the inner and stable strength of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the light of Islamic Revolution led by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, the wining factor that disappointed the enemies of Islamic Revolution to further threaten it or to impose any sanctions against it and finally brought them to a negotiating table with Iran. This victory is also the result of brave Iranian's resilience and resistance in face of all the pressures and shortages. Finally, this victory was the result of nearly thirty months of protracted and breath-taking negotiations under the guidelines, support and heavenly wish of His highness.
Iranian nation have chosen a strategy 12 years ago to stand against bullying, monopolistic and greedy arrogant powers in order to attain its own rights, now the efforts come to fruition.
Today the arrogant power's policies to put an end to the Iran's nuclear program, stop uranium enrichment, dismantle Arak heavy water reactor, close Fordow and stop research and development in Iran has failed and the failure made them bow down to the will of the Iranian people and recognize all of those restrictions which was imposed through UNSC resolutions against Iran and once again to respect Iranian true rights. It means the great Iranian nation resisted with dignity, negotiated with dignity and agreed with dignity.
The success of the Iranian people in this agreement have resulted not only joy and happiness of the friends of Islamic Revolution, but also a confusion, bewilderment and anger of those enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran in and out of the region. The Islamic Republic of Iran is now backed by his powerful arm, with self-defensive, political, economic and diplomatic capabilities and can act as a key player and stabilizer who can guarantee peace and tranquility in the region, as well. Today, the regional and international authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran is established and stabilized through a well settlement of its nuclear issue and its ability to interact successfully with the six world powers. It is unfortunate that we see those who have spent billions of dollars and did their best to stop or defeat the negotiations or hinder the adoption and implementation JCPOA, are nowadays once again frightened and try to take any action to prevent a complete collapse of the wall of Iran phobia.
Now with the lift of unjust sanctions the way is clear for Iran’s economic growth through serious and effective execution of Resistive Economy policies. The government is fully determined that although lift of sanctions was necessary regarding elimination of oppression and fulfilling the rights of the Iranian nation that happened, therefore, the requirement for economic prosperity and improving livings and jobs, is paying attention to the Resistive Economy and people’s active presence in investment and working and innovation.
The government is determined to seriously and carefully monitor the other party’s fulfilment of commitments with Your Excellency’s guidance. It will also take necessary action in case of not fulfilling the commitments by the other side based on smart realism and away from any radical optimism. The government will also carefully plan and insist on the demands, interests, and real needs of the country, innovation in political, cultural, and economic relations during post-sanctions era. Another attempt by the government is thwarting any kind of attempt by enemies aimed at exploiting lead to infiltration.
Without a doubt, in this new phase of the history of the Islamic Revolution, the Leader’s guidance will enlighten the way for people and government, as it has been in the past.
Peace be upon you and the kindness and blessings of Allah,
Hassan Rouhani
President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Click here to read Khamenei's response.