President Hassan Rouhani’s approval rating has fallen just below 50 percent, according to a new poll by the U.S.-based Information and Public Opinion Solutions (IPOS). The latest survey, conducted February 14-15, found that Rouhani’s approval has slipped to 49 percent from 59 percent in November 2014.
The following chart is further breakdown of the range of opinions towards Rouhani’s performance.The latest poll allowed respondents five choices while the November 2014 poll only gave respondents three choices — approval, neutral or no approval.

The president’s job approval rating did not vary in a statistically significant way according to gender, educational level and location of respondents. But Rouhani’s rating differs significantly across age groups. Rouhani polled the best among Iranians age 59 and above.

IPOS conducted the survey on February 14-15, which consisted of a random sample of 735 Iranians.
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