Iran’s global image remains mostly negative in the run up to the June 30 deadline for a nuclear deal, according to a new Pew Research Center poll. The survey, conducted from March 25 to May 27, found that majorities or pluralities in 31 of 40 countries hold an unfavorable view of the Islamic Republic. About three-in-four Americans still hold unfavorable views of the Islamic Republic. “And in several Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and Asia, ratings have declined considerably in recent years,” according to Pew. President Hassan Rouhani, elected two years ago, also still receives generally poor ratings. The following are excerpted results.
Low Marks for Iran in Middle East, Other Regions
Iran is viewed negatively by most nations surveyed, with a global median of 58% saying they have an unfavorable opinion of the country that borders Afghanistan in the east and Iraq in the west. Pakistan is the only country polled where a majority (57%) views Iran favorably.

Perhaps influenced by political and sectarian tensions in the Middle East, favorable views of majority-Shia Iran have declined precipitously in some Muslim-majority countries over the last decade.

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