A new poll by iPOS (Information and Public Opinion Solutions LLC), suggests that Iran could set a new record for voter turnout on February 26. More than 70 percent of voters indicated that they will vote in the parliamentary and Assembly of experts elections. Iran has not seen such a turnout since the 1996 parliamentary elections. The survey, conducted from February 12-20, also found that more Iranians believe reformists are more capable of solving Iran’s problems than principlists.
Iranians gave President Hassan Rouhani an approval rating of 67 percent, the highest one seen in an iPOS survey since November 2014. Parliament did not receive as high of a mark. Only 28 percent of respondents said they were completely or somewhat satisfied with its performance. The Assembly of Experts, the body charged with supervising and selecting the supreme leader, also received relatively poor ratings. The following are key results from survey, which sampled 1,184 Iranians.

Question: You may be aware that there are a number of main political groups in Iran, a situation comparable to other countries in the world. For example, there are some groups which refer to themselves as Principalists, Reformists, Moderates, etc. In your opinion which one of these groups would do a better job of solving the problems the country is now facing?

Question: Which political groups (including Reformists, Principalist, and Moderates,) do you tend to lean toward? Which is to say, with which of these group’s idea does you most agree?

Question: In your opinion to what extent will the coming parliamentary elections be free? Which is to say, completely free, somewhat free, or not free at all.

Question: To date, the present parliament has been sitting for nearly four years. Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the way parliament is handling its job?

Question: As you may be aware, the term of the present Assembly of Experts has lasted the last nine years. Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the way the Assembly is handling its job?

Question: People usually take various criteria into consideration when choosing among candidates. I’ll now read a few sentences regarding such criteria. Please tell me how important each of the following criteria is to you in your voting decision which is to say very important, somewhat important, or not at all important.

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