The following are key findings from four recent polls, which were conducted in the days following the announcement of a nuclear framework between Iran and the world's six major powers. In two of the polls, around a third of respondents said they support the framework.
Economist/YouGov Poll
A new Economist/YouGov poll found that most Americans support the nuclear talks with Iran. The survey, conducted April 4-6, found that 61 percent of respondents believe the United States should negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program.

But barely a quarter of respondents said they would trust Iran to adhere to an agreement.
Support for the nuclear framework announced on April 2 varied along party lines. Among Democrats, 57 percent support the framework, but only 20 percent of Republicans support it.

Click here for more information on the poll
Reuters/Ipsos Poll
A new Reuters/Ipsos poll, conducted April 3-7, found that 36 percent of respondents support the preliminary nuclear deal between Iran and the world’s six major powers. When broken down by party, 30 percent of Republicans support the deal compared to 51 percent of Democrats.
Support | Oppose | Not sure | |
Republicans | 30 percent | 30 percent | 40 percent |
Democrats | 51 percent | 10 percent | 39 percent |
Independents | 33 percent | 21 percent | 45 percent |
The poll also found little support for using military force as the sole way to curb Iran's nulcear program. Only 5 percent of Democrats, 11 percent of Republicans, and 6 percent of Independents supported that approach.
Click here for more information on the poll
NBC News/SurveyMonkey Poll
A new NBC News/SurveyMonkey Poll, conducted April 6-8, found that the majority of Americans consider Iran’s nuclear program a “major threat.” More than 70 percent of Republicans gave that response, compared to just over 40 percent of Democrats.
Iran’s nuclear program is: | All | Republicans | Democrats | Independents |
Major threat | 53 percent | 74 percent | 41 percent | 50 percent |
Minor threat | 37 percent | 23 percent | 47 percent | 39 percent |
Not a threat at all | 8 percent | 1 percent | 11 percent | 9 percent |
Click here for more information on the poll
Americans United for Change/Hart Research Poll
A poll commissioned by Americans United for Change, conducted April 6-8, found that 65 percent believe Congress should allow the agreement to move forward and monitor its implementation, while 30 percent believe Congress should take action to block the deal before it is implemented.
Congress should: | All | Republicans | Democrats | Independents |
Allow agreement to go forward and closely monitor implementation | 65 percent | 47 percent | 82 percent | 64 percent |
Block the agreement now and prevent implementation | 30 percent | 48 percent | 15 percent | 27 percent |
Click here for more information on the poll